Alain J Picard

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Delayed Gratification

I’ve been working on a pair of heirloom portraits for months now. These life-sized, oil on linen portraits of two lovely siblings have been developing steadily under my constant care. Every stage of the process stewarded with the greatest attention to detail and ongoing collaboration with the wonderful family I was commissioned by. We’ve charted quite a journey together bringing this art to life.

You know, sometimes we paint for immediate gratification, and enjoy the finished result in just a few hours. Yet at other times—in an effort to create work that will benefit generations to come—we paint with a much longer-term view. This kind of creative work requires much patience and perseverance, but it's well worth the wait knowing that I’m creating art that will last. Perhaps in art-making, as in many areas of life, greater satisfaction is derived from delayed gratification. Looking forward to sharing the finished products with you very soon!