Looking for Inspiration?

Workshops are such an inspiring time of collaboration and growth for all involved. I just hosted a portrait workshop sponsored by our friends at UART Premium Sanded Paper. We thought you would enjoy a window into our creative experience, so we made a video to give you a taste of our time together! What a fun and talented group of artists came together to encourage one another in their creative development and learn with me. 

Are you looking for some further inspiration yourself? Don't miss out on upcoming opportunities to grow! View our 2018 workshop schedule here.

P.S. Just listen to what Pam had to say about her workshop experience:

"This class was extremely well planned. There was optimum time for thorough and masterful demonstrations, and yet ample time for individual studio work.  It was a perfect balance.  Alain met each of us at our own level and made us feel comfortable.  I learned so much in just a few days!" -Pam