Thumbnail Sketches Made Easy

In this lesson I share my secrets for creating effective thumbnail sketches - the essential first step to stunning portrait paintings. My own Dad will serve as our portrait subject for this sketch!

In this live session, you'll discover:

  • A simple system for breaking down values into light, middle, and dark masses

  • How to see and capture abstract shapes that make your portraits powerful

  • Techniques for creating dynamic, striking compositions that command attention

If learning how to paint expressive, lifelike portraits is something that excites you, then be sure to join the waitlist for The Painterly Portrait Online Course! I would love to support your creative develop so you can make a bigger impact through your art.

3 Keys to Painting Aging Faces with Dignity

There is a profound nobility in the weathered faces of our elders, each line and contour telling stories of decades fully lived. Their expressions carry the weight of experience, the quiet confidence of wisdom gained, and the subtle dignity that comes with advancing years. As artists we have a unique opportunity to capture these qualities through the sensitivity of our medium, creating portraits that honor both the strength and vulnerability present in our seasoned subjects.

I’d love to walk you through three essential keys to capturing their character with authenticity along the way.

Alain Picard, The Fisherman, 18x12” pastel 

1. Master Your Initial Observation

Begin your portrait journey through careful observation and sketching. Document the essential architecture of aging: how surface skin patterns relate to the bone structure beneath, where characteristic wrinkles appear, and how proportions shift with time. Pay particular attention to thinning lips, enlarged noses, and developed ear lobes. Study the depth of eye sockets and how hair patterns change, including areas of thinning and graying. With careful observation you become a student of aging faces.


2. Build Form Through Light and Shadow

A solid structure is more important than surface details. Start with charcoal or hard pastels, applying thin, controlled initial layers following the fat-over-lean principle. Rather than drawing individual wrinkles, concentrate on how light interacts with the form and surface of the head. Establish your major light and shadow areas first, considering positive and negative shapes. Use the technique of squinting to see broader value patterns clearly. Once confident in your foundational layers, transition to soft pastels, using light, side-stroke applications to build your forms progressively. Let the play of light tell the major story of your subject's features.

3. Suggest Rather Than State

Exercise restraint in depicting age lines – less really is more! Kindness matters at this stage. Use side strokes for broader areas and let your application method create natural texture with soft pastel. Build depth gradually through varying pressure, allowing underlying tones to show through. Pay special attention to areas where blood at the surface of the skin may influence color like around the eyes and use cooler tones in more recessed areas like the jaw or in the hair. If your character is rugged like the weathered fisherman, then hatching with choppy marks is a great way to suggest this quality. Every mark should serve to suggest rather than explicitly state the effects of time.

Remember: Your goal is capturing the essence of the individual, not cataloging their age. Each mark contributes to telling your subject's story with dignity and grace.

Enjoy this rewarding creative experience as you celebrate the aging faces in your life!


The Secret to Sparkling Pastel Ornaments Revealed

I'm sharing my painterly technique for creating ethereal, shimmering Christmas ornaments in pastel! Join me for a special painting session where I'll reveal my secrets for capturing that ephemeral holiday sparkle.✨

You know those moments when light catches a delicate ornament just right? In this lesson, we'll learn how to capture that magic with pigment. I'll guide you through each step of creating luminous holiday ornaments in soft pastel that seem to glow from within.

What I'm revealing today:

  • The painterly technique behind that shimmering glow

  • My layering secrets for achieving dreamy, pastel effects

  • The surprisingly simple method for adding mesmerizing highlights

Whether you're a seasoned artist or just beginning your creative journey, these techniques will add a beautiful new dimension to your holiday paintings.

It's the season of wonder, and I want to celebrate with you! So let's create some holiday magic together!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, with abundant creativity and joy in the coming year.🌟

Alain Picard

Your Creative Journey Matters

Let’s talk about artistic passion

Your desire to create isn't just a passing impulse—it's a calling that lives deep within you. When you honor this creative fire, you're not only nurturing your own fulfillment, you're adding more beauty and wonder to our world. Every stroke of the brush, every mark you make, line you draw, every piece you create ripples outward, touching lives in ways you might never see.

This journey you're on? It matters. Not just to you, but to all of us.

Down the Stretch, 12x16" pastel by Alain Picard

The Challenge We All Face

Yet for every calling to create, there's a force that rises up to oppose it. We call this force Resistance. It shows up as procrastination ("I'll start tomorrow"), self-doubt ("I'm not good enough"), or fear ("What if I fail?"). The good news? You're not alone in this struggle, and recognizing these symptoms is the first step to overcoming them.

Your Creative Calling is Valid

Here's a truth worth embracing: You don't need to be a professional artist to have a valid creative calling. Whether you dream of hanging your work in galleries or simply want to express yourself through art, your creative journey has profound value. The world needs the unique creative gifts that only you can offer.


Breaking Through Resistance: YOUR ACTION PLAN


1️⃣ Start Today Don't wait for the perfect moment—it will never arrive. Tomorrow is too late. Set aside even 15 minutes today to create. 


2️⃣ Embrace Imperfection Let go of the need for perfection on the way to your creative dreams. Remember that every great master had to start as a beginner, and every piece you create is a step forward. Valuing progress over perfection will lead you toward your goals.


3️⃣ Seek Supportive Feedback Connect with fellow artists or mentors who can provide you with constructive guidance. The right feedback can illuminate your path forward and bring vital encouragement along the way.


4️⃣ Take the Next Small Step What's one small action you can take right now toward your artistic goals? Maybe it's organizing your workspace, sketching for 10 minutes, or signing up for that workshop you've been considering. Never underestimate the power of small steps in the right direction. 


The Power to Choose Is Yours

Every time you choose to create despite resistance, you're not only making art—you're bringing more beauty into the world. Your creative journey isn't just about the art you produce; it's about becoming the artist you are meant to be and enriching the lives of others through your unique expression.✨

Encountering beauty brings hope. That’s the impact your art makes. The power to start is always in your hands. Why not begin right now?


Keep showing up at the easel for your creative dreams!

Ignite your Creativity: Action Steps for Artists

Every artist's journey begins with a dream.

There is an aspiring artist living inside all of us, no matter what stage we may find ourselves in.  

At some point, the desire to create beautiful works of art began to stir in you. 

Can you remember the first time the dream of becoming an artist took hold? 

Think about it now. It may have been decades ago…or just recently, but this dream is a seed worth germinating.

The journey to bring your creative dreams to life can be daunting. Distractions conspire to keep us from our creative pursuit. Without a plan, everything else takes precedence over our art. 

Important things, like caring for loved ones and raising a family. 

Challenging things, like providing financially or enduring through illness.

However noble or important these priorities may be, they can’t change the fact that you were made to create

You are an artist. Let that sink in.

This is who you are. When you engage your creativity, others benefit richly from the inspiration you share. Pushing your creative gifts to the back burner not only hurts you. It deprives the world of the unique expression of beauty that only you have to give. 

Alain Picard, Fresh From The Market, pastel 10x10

I really felt you needed to hear this today. Is it time for a fresh start? 

Are you overwhelmed by the journey ahead? I understand. 

American author, Mark Twain once said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one.” 

When embarking on a fresh creative journey, you can expect to feel overwhelmed. Our frustrated inner artist critic shows up in all shapes and sizes to discourage your growth (I call mine Mr. Perfect).

Fear is a common denominator that we all face, myself included. It's how you respond to the fear that defines you. You can be resourceful, and activate a plan to overcome intimidation and make consistent progress. You are only one step away from moving forward on your journey! 

Use these three P’s to activate your mission:

PURPOSE -  Gain clarity about your personal motivation for showing up as an artist. What is your  big “why”? This is the dream inside of you that motivates you to create. Write it down in a special journal. This will give you much needed clarity and resilience for your journey ahead. Then read it every day. When your purpose is anchored, you become an artist on a mission. 

PREPARE -  Now it’s time to prepare your creative space and gather the materials you need to get to work. This could be a corner in your living room or a plein air easel packed and ready in the car. Maybe it’s finally time to convert that extra bedroom into a studio. Prepare your creative space. This is not frivolous. An artist needs a base of operations to flourish.

PLAN - Now get out your calendar. Be realistic about your creative goals and give them priority in your schedule. Carve out a regular weekly time to practice your creativity. This will serve you well in the days ahead. Plan your creative schedule intentionally to ensure that you are ready to show up regularly and do the work. Share your calendar with loved ones who will help you protect this time from other demands. 

With a clear purpose, a prepared space, and a schedule to practice your art, you are activating a plan to turn your dreams into reality. You have no idea the impact this will have on your personal well-being and creative fulfillment, not to mention the world around you. 

Your art matters, friend. This world truly needs the unique expression of beauty that you have to offer. Don’t put it off another day.

Do one thing today to turn your creative dreams into reality. 

Be inspired,

Alain Picard 

Are looking for fresh inspiration? Try my Expressive Mark-Making mini course to get you in motion!

A New Lesson To Inspire You!

Are you looking for inspiration today?
Look no further! 

I’ve got a brand-new video lesson for you to get those creative juices flowing. Let’s paint a vine ripe red tomato together so we can enjoy the richness of painting with red as we practice using deep values and saturated colors. This luscious little painting will take you less than an hour to create and provide you with a wonderful jolt of inspiration.

Red is an inspiring color, but it can be deceiving to paint. If it gets too light, we'll lose valuable color impact.

In this video, we’ll cover how to keep your color values on target, so your vine ripe tomato looks deliciously rich and red. Are you ready to paint a red tomato together? Join one of our upcoming classes or workshops where we explore different techniques together.


Artist Hack! The Tape-to-Tape Method

Do you ever find it frustrating when you are working on a pastel painting and your marks keep bumping into the tape that overlaps the edge of your paper?

As pastel artists, we want to take advantage of the direct, energized mark-making that pastels provide. From sketchy lines to big bold side strokes, one thing is for sure. We don’t want anything to get in the way of making those marks. Like tape! 

I have developed a simple yet effective way of taping up my pastel paper that allows it to be securely mounted to the backing board, without any tape overlapping the edges. This method can be used for unmounted papers or fully mounted boards. I call it the tape-to-tape method, and I’ve been using it for years. Let me show you how it’s done. 

In this video, I’ll reveal a tape-to-tape method so you can create bold and free marks beyond the edges of your paper! Download the Tape-to-Tape Guide so you can follow along.

I hope this simple artist hack will help you make marks that are bolder, looser and freer than ever before. 

Keep showing up to the easel for your creative dreams! 