Ignite your Creativity: Action Steps for Artists

Every artist's journey begins with a dream.

There is an aspiring artist living inside all of us, no matter what stage we may find ourselves in.  

At some point, the desire to create beautiful works of art began to stir in you. 

Can you remember the first time the dream of becoming an artist took hold? 

Think about it now. It may have been decades ago…or just recently, but this dream is a seed worth germinating.

The journey to bring your creative dreams to life can be daunting. Distractions conspire to keep us from our creative pursuit. Without a plan, everything else takes precedence over our art. 

Important things, like caring for loved ones and raising a family. 

Challenging things, like providing financially or enduring through illness.

However noble or important these priorities may be, they can’t change the fact that you were made to create

You are an artist. Let that sink in.

This is who you are. When you engage your creativity, others benefit richly from the inspiration you share. Pushing your creative gifts to the back burner not only hurts you. It deprives the world of the unique expression of beauty that only you have to give. 

Alain Picard, Fresh From The Market, pastel 10x10

I really felt you needed to hear this today. Is it time for a fresh start? 

Are you overwhelmed by the journey ahead? I understand. 

American author, Mark Twain once said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and starting on the first one.” 

When embarking on a fresh creative journey, you can expect to feel overwhelmed. Our frustrated inner artist critic shows up in all shapes and sizes to discourage your growth (I call mine Mr. Perfect).

Fear is a common denominator that we all face, myself included. It's how you respond to the fear that defines you. You can be resourceful, and activate a plan to overcome intimidation and make consistent progress. You are only one step away from moving forward on your journey! 

Use these three P’s to activate your mission:

PURPOSE -  Gain clarity about your personal motivation for showing up as an artist. What is your  big “why”? This is the dream inside of you that motivates you to create. Write it down in a special journal. This will give you much needed clarity and resilience for your journey ahead. Then read it every day. When your purpose is anchored, you become an artist on a mission. 

PREPARE -  Now it’s time to prepare your creative space and gather the materials you need to get to work. This could be a corner in your living room or a plein air easel packed and ready in the car. Maybe it’s finally time to convert that extra bedroom into a studio. Prepare your creative space. This is not frivolous. An artist needs a base of operations to flourish.

PLAN - Now get out your calendar. Be realistic about your creative goals and give them priority in your schedule. Carve out a regular weekly time to practice your creativity. This will serve you well in the days ahead. Plan your creative schedule intentionally to ensure that you are ready to show up regularly and do the work. Share your calendar with loved ones who will help you protect this time from other demands. 

With a clear purpose, a prepared space, and a schedule to practice your art, you are activating a plan to turn your dreams into reality. You have no idea the impact this will have on your personal well-being and creative fulfillment, not to mention the world around you. 

Your art matters, friend. This world truly needs the unique expression of beauty that you have to offer. Don’t put it off another day.

Do one thing today to turn your creative dreams into reality. 

Be inspired,

Alain Picard 

Are looking for fresh inspiration? Try my Expressive Mark-Making mini course to get you in motion!

We Are All Students: 4 Powerful Lessons for Aspiring Pastel Artists

I just returned from a trip to Nashville, TN where I was meeting with a group of online business owners to learn, grow, and gain insight into how to better serve artists online. Walking into The Graduate Hotel, their mantra is written on the floor; “We Are All Students.” I love this, because it represents a growth mindset instead of a fixed one.

The fixed mindset believes that talent—without the application of effort—creates success. You’re either born with it or you’re not, and there’s nothing you can do to change it. This way of thinking is dangerous because it causes you to avoid challenges and resist criticism. I often see many art students fall into this mindset in my classes and workshops.

A growth mindset believes that our most basic abilities—like talent and intelligence—can be improved through effort, perseverance, and experience. Artists in a growth mindset crave challenges, welcome constructive criticism, view setbacks as learning opportunities, and develop a passion for hard work and a hunger for growth. They know that getting better is a process. One that requires the right attitude and dedication over time.

As you can see, the right mindset changes our behaviors and the results we will gain. So which mindset will you choose? This choice will powerfully shape the progress you make. 

I still remember the day I picked up my first set of pastel colors, bright and full of potential. It was a figure drawing class in college. The thought of transforming these colors into a piece of figurative art was exhilarating yet daunting at the same time. My heart was filled with passion but my mind was clouded with self-doubt, questioning whether I had what it takes to be an artist.

Looking back now, I realize that those doubts were not only normal but also necessary for growth. That’s why today, I want to share four important lessons that have helped me in my artistic journey and can empower other women and men who wish to venture into the world of pastel painting.

1. Embrace a Growth Mindset

The first step is always about changing your mindset - choose progress over perfection! You don’t need to create a masterpiece every time you pick up your pastel sticks; what matters more is learning from each stroke you make on the canvas (or as we use in the Pastel world Paper or Board). In our workshops, we encourage you to move forward and continue practicing instead of only working on one piece.

2. Overcome Self-Doubt

It's perfectly normal to doubt yourself when trying new techniques like pastel layering or expressive mark making or stepping out of your comfort zone – it’s part of being human! Remember that this self-doubt doesn't define your abilities as an artist; instead use it as fuel for growth and motivation.

3. Cultivate Patience

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day! Just like any skill, mastering art takes time and consistent effort so don’t be disheartened if progress seems slow initially. It's all about taking small steps towards bigger goals!

4. Take The Next Step

Finally, just take one step at a time – one sketch at a time! Every piece you create brings you closer to becoming the artist you aspire to be!

These strategies aren’t just relevant for aspiring artists but are also crucial for entrepreneurs starting their own art journey – persevering through challenges, constant learning, overcoming self-doubt and patience are the cornerstones of any successful venture.

Now, imagine having a community of like-minded individuals cheering you on and inspiring you to take those small steps. A place where you can share your work, learn from others, and grow together. Sounds amazing right? That's exactly what we're offering! So why wait? Join us today to start your journey toward becoming a pastel painting artist!

Keep showing up for your creative dreams,
